Tuesday, June 18, 2019

CCCC.com (4C) Domain Registration Update

There continues to be steady registration of 4 character .com names.  Here are numbers of registered names as of our checks dating back to February, 2008:

06/18/2019 - 636,418 (average of 342 registered/day since prior check)

04/16/2019 - 614,877 (average of 91 registered/day since prior check)
12/04/2018 - 602,771 (average of 190 registered/day since prior check)

01/11/2018 - 540,794 (average of 153 registered/day since prior check)

05/01/2012 - 300,000 (average of 55 registered/day since prior check)

02/01/2008 - 215,000

Average registered per day since January 2018 - 183.

If the current rate holds up, CCCC.com domains should be bought out around 2027-2028.   The data from 2012 and 2008 is not precise, we were using random sampling techniques back then, but it should be in the ballpark of the number of registered domains.  We will keep regular track of these, which is easier to do now with the handy tool that dofo.com provides which lets you see all registered domains of a particular type.