Friday, July 15, 2011 Update: Big Increase in Registration

In the last few weeks since we profiled the (four digit .org domain) space, a significant number of these domains have been registered.

Whereas on June 24, 2011, 1,035 remained to be registered, as of today only 601 of those are still available to be registered.

0NNN = 88 Remaining, a decrease from 91
1NNN = 0 Remaining
2NNN = 0 Remaining
3NNN = 0 Remanining
4NNN = 0 Remaining
5NNN = 0 Remaining, a decrease from 1
6NNN = 0 Remaining
7NNN = 208 remaining, a decrease from 283
8NNN = 45 remaining, a decrease from 338
9NNN = 260 remaining, a decrease from 332

So, it appears that most of the registration happened in the 8NNN range, presumably because "8" is a lucky number in China.  It is interesting that numerics are so hot right now in China that even .org's are being registered for their lucky numbers.  These domains could be bought out soon at this pace.

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