Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Foreign Postal Codes Available

Some of these are still available. Here is a list of some I have found searching randomly. You can get a sense for how developed each area is by typing the number into google maps. Enjoy!

06177 Valle de Matamoros, Spain
01896 Ohom, Germany
47492 Rueda, Spain
05025 Guardea TR, Italy
08439 Werdau, Germany
04814 Overa, Spain
47839 Krefeld, Germany
03179 Formentera del Segura, Spain
46717 la Fond d'En Carros, Spain
46841 Castello de Rugat, Spain
03014 Alicante, Spain
83495 Subiaco, Italy
79348 Freiamt, Germany
74281 Bravantice, Czech Republic
47493 San Vicente del Palacio, Spain
08587 Alpens, Spain

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